Explore millions of offerings tailored to your business needs.
• Millions of business offerings
Explore products and suppliers for your business from millions of offerings worldwide.
• One-stop trading solution
Order seamlessly from product/supplier search to order management, payment, and fulfillment.
• Assured quality and transactions
Ensure production quality from verified suppliers, with your orders protected from payment to delivery.
• Personalized trading experience
Get curated benefits, such as discounted samples and dedicated support, tailored toyour business growth stage.
Source direct-from-factory
Ready to get started?
Explore millions of products from trusted suppliers by signing up today!
Trade with confidence from production
quality to purchase protection.
Ensure production quality with
Connect with a variety of suppliers, including Custom Manufacturers, Brand Holders, and Multispecialty Suppliers, that have verified credentials and capabilities.
Protect your purchases with
Source confidently for your business knowing that orders made through Trade Assurance on Alibaba.com are protected, from payment to delivery and after-sales.
Empowering businesses through global trade
Responsible technology. Sustainable future.
Make it easy to do business anywhere.
We have teams around the world.
The countries we work with are